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Long-Term Effects of Concussions From Trampoline Injury

Trampolines bring pure excitement to childhood fun, and even excitement for some adults, but they also come with severe risks. One of the most common risks is a concussion from a trampoline injury. If you can relate and have any reason to believe the manufacturer or the place where the injury occurred could be at fault, you should reach out to a Stratford trampoline injury lawyer.

What Are The Long-Term Effects of a Concussion From a Trampoline Injury?

A concussion from a trampoline injury may seem like no big deal at first, especially if you notice you or your child quickly feel fine after. Unfortunately, this type of injury can have long-term effects. While many people can recover with rest as time passes, there are some who have lingering effects. Some of the long-term effects of a concussion to watch out for include:

  • Lingering headaches: If headaches are consistent or painful after the injury, this can be a sign that things should be looked at more in-depth.
  • Focus or memory problems: If the concussion was severe enough, it could cause issues like not being able to remember simple things like forgetting where you put something or an intense feeling of brain fog.
  • Sensitivity issues: Many people have sensory issues, but a severe concussion could amplify this feeling. Loud or bright noises could be completely unbearable, to the point where you do not even want to go anywhere you used to enjoy.
  • Trouble with sleeping: There may be trouble staying asleep or not being able to fall asleep. You may not feel rested when you wake up, either.
  • Mood changes: Feelings of irritation, anxiety, or feeling depressed or down for no obvious reason can be an indicator as well, which is because your brain is still healing from the injury.

Is There Treatment For a Concussion to Consider?

When recovering from a concussion after a trampoline injury, there are some things you can do to help the healing process. It may not be a quick fix; however, with the proper steps, you can feel like yourself again with some extra care.

Rest Should Always Come First

The most important thing to do after a concussion is to rest. The body and brain both need a break. This means no running around and no staring at screens for a while. This is all vital, especially in the early days after the injury.

Take Things Slow

Even if things feel fine at first, it is best to take everything slow. When any symptoms of dizziness or a headache come back after trying to do anything, it is important to slow down again.

Watch For Changes

If any changes occur despite making an effort, physical therapy may be an option to stop dizziness and restore balance. Cognitive therapy is an option when focus and memory become too much to handle. If headaches become too burdensome, medication may be needed to manage the pain.

Connolly Brennan Ralabate, PC, Can Offer Guidance

Whether it is for you or your child, having a Stratford personal injury attorney can help you move the process along a bit easier. Reach out to us to start with a free consultation to see how and if we can help you and potentially hold the responsible person accountable.